B-Delicious Fest
A unique gastronomic experience

Eat up the world
at B-Delicious Fest!
Discovering the country’s gastronomy, tasting and conversing with the protagonists of the cuisine, touring wine routes… all of this is gastronomic tourism and this is what B-Delicious will be all about.
18 tastings representing DOP or IGP from Catalonia, such as rice from the Delta, shrimp from Vilanova, beef from the Pyrenees, hazelnuts from Reus and oils and wines from all 4 provinces. From Spain: Fabades, Cachopos, fried fish, stews, pans, etc. And from International: representative recipes from Italy, Mexico, Japan, Peru, Morocco.
A unique gastronomic journey awaits you! 🍽️
The total experience with culture and tastings!
- On the main stage, you will be able to enjoy live culture, highlighting music and small-format performing arts, with artists from all over the territory, and of different styles and registers.
- In the Cooking Classroom the space will host guided tastings and ShowCookings with Catalan DO and IGP.

B-Delicious Fest is sustainable
AGT’s projects take into account sustainable elements that act with respect and harmony on the social and natural environment, with the aim of achieving improvements in the quality of life of a population. The company has the Biosphere certificate that verifies this commitment to sustainability.
- We care about the planet
- We care about the product
- We care about people

Oenological experience in
B-Delicious Fest
Disfruta de una cuidada selección de vinos, elegidos por enólogos. Nuestro personal proporcionará una experiencia excepcional con explicaciones detalladas sobre cada vino, proyección enoturística y la participación de varias regiones, como Barcelona (DO), Penedès, Plan del Bages, Tarragona con Montsant, Terra Alta, Priorat, Girona con Ampurdán, y Lleida con Costers, todas bajo la DO Cataluña.
Gastro Chefs & Influencers
12.30h: Ramón K-Chopo & Surprise
13.15h: Edu @bravasbarcelona + Susana Aragón
15.00h: Muestra de cocina de Castelldefels · L’Arròs de Castelldefels
17.30h: Mónica Escudero El Comidista & Óscar Broc
18.15h: Blog Hedonista & Divinos Sabores
17:00h: Taller de quesos & Vinos
Wine tasting sessions with the participating wineries of the B-Delicious Fest
12:00h: ANAÏS blanco · D.O. Penedès
17:00h: ONNA Negre · D.O. Penedès
18:45h: ALMODI Blanc · D.O. Terra Alta
13:00h: Jackie dj · Pop, Indie…
17:00h: Blanquito dj · Afro, Latin, Funk…
12:30h: Eva Hausmann (Hausmann Gastronomic)
13:15h: Carlota Claver (La Gormanda) · Maria Mestayer (La Gormanda)
18:00h: Ada Parellada (Semproniana) · Montserrat Seguí
18:45h: Mònica Escudero (El Comidista) · Samin Nosrat
17:00h: Carxofa Prat & Cervezas San Miguel
Wine tasting sessions with the participating wineries of the B-Delicious Fest
12:00h: VOLADOR Negre · D.O. Montsant
17:00h: PETIT SIÓS Negre · D.O. Costers de Segre
18:45h: SAÓ PETIT Blanc · D.O. Costers de Segre
11:30h: Presentation of Barcelona Slow Food Guide 2024
San Miguel beers tasting
13:00h · 16:00h
11:00h: Konguito dj · Reggae, Soul, Funk…
14:00h: Jon & Monique djs · Sonideros
17:00h: Franzzo dj · Chill Out, Deep House…
12.30h: Ángel Palacios (Llamber) · La cocina Astur-Catalana
13:15h: Presentación IV Premios Gastronómicos Josep Lladonosa · Susana Aragón & Raquel Fernández (Ganadora Premios Lladonosa) · Un homenaje a la picada
14:00h: Mónica Escudero (El Comidista) · Cooking with Reus vermouth
16:00h: Carxofa Prat & San Miguel beers
Wine tasting sessions with the participating wineries of the B-Delicious Fest
12:00h: HEUSS Blanc · D.O. Empordà
16:00h: MONO Negre · D.O. Empordà
11:30h: “Com enderrocar el geni de la cuina” con Marc Casanovas, autor del libro · “No soc un dels vostres”
San Miguel beer tastings
13:00h · 15:00h
11:00h: Txarnegö dj · Latin, Funk, Soul, Boogaloo…
14:00h: MaambO! Sergi Shine & Marco Sonoro · Salsa, Reggae, Samba, Rumba…

Do you want to boost your food and wine destination at B-Delicious Fest??
Connect with the food-loving public and promote your destination at the industry’s leading event – contact us to get involved!